Home Computer Support

Home Computer Support & Service New Jersey

Your home computer is just as important if not more so than user machine at work and in fact, with todays home and business computer networks merging the two might very well be the same computer. Secure networking is a must to protect user personal information and data against network threats, risks, and spyware.

Wireless Network Setup

Our fast growing coverage area allows us to completely service Central Jersey and the surrounding areas. We offer the same excellent business-grade performance to our residential customers that we provide to our professional clients. Our home computer service technicians provide guaranteed on-site service and support for user computer, peripherals and applications.

Install New Hardware/Software

Our consultants are Microsoft and/or A+ certified technicians with several years of experience supporting network servers, desktops, routers hubs, and switches in both small office and enterprise wide environments

Remove Viruses & Spyware

Computer Cured has been a provider of computer support in the New Jersey for more than 10 years. Our technicians are all certified professionals and can help you with a complex task such as proxy-server or firewall configuration all the way down to virus removal.

Data Backup and Recovery

We offer non-destructive data recovery methods and will provide back-up data consulting for home or office machines. We know that proper data backup is an integral part of setting up any network. Thats why when we provide data back-up consulting we target the information you need the most. Whether on DAT or Hard Disk, at work or at home we provide backup and recovery that is reliable and timely.

Onsite Computer Repair

We are located right in Central Jersey, our technicians are only a few hours away from helping you with user computer problem.

Let us help you reach user desired destination.


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How to Add Memory to a Compaq Desktop

If you notice sluggish system performance while operating your Compaq desktop computer, it may prove helpful to install additional memory. While Compaq desktops vary slightly from one model to another, the basic steps involved in adding memory modules remain the same. Although the prospect of working inside your computer may seem unnerving if you have no prior experience, the actual process of adding memory is very straightforward and should take no more than a matter of minutes to complete.


Things Youll Need:

  • Memory module
  • Phillips screwdriver
  1. Step 1

    Shut down the computer. Disconnect the power cord, monitor, mouse, keyboard, Ethernet cable and any other attached devices from the computer. Move the computer to a clean work space and rotate it until the rear panel is in view.

  2. Step 2

    Unscrew the screw securing the side panel to the rear of the computer. Slide the side panel toward you until it comes free of the computer. Remove the side panel and set it aside.

  3. Step 3

    Place the computer on its side. Touch a nearby metal surface (such as the rear panel of the computer) to ground yourself before proceeding. Examine the motherboard and locate the sockets for the memory modules. Select the module socket located nearest the already-installed memory modules.

  4. Step 4

    Align the notch on the bottom end of your memory module with the crossbar in the socket. Insert the module into the socket and apply firm pressure until it is fully seated.

  5. Step 5

    Replace the side panel and screw it securely into place. Return the computer to its previous location and reconnect all previously disconnected cables and devices.

  6. Step 6

    Turn the computer on and hold down the BIOS access key (depending on the computer, this key may be "F1", "F3", "F10", or "Esc." Examine the entries labeled "Installed Memory" and "Memory Bank" to confirm that the module is properly installed and recognized. Installation is now complete.

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Animation Scout Interview with Victor Navone PIXAR Lead Animator

Animation Scout Interview with Victor Navone PIXAR Lead Animator

Animation Scout: http://animationscout.tv
Tutorials Vimeo Channel: http://vimeo.com/channels/animationscout
Interview Link: http://animationscout.tv/Victor-Navone
Victor Navone Blog and Tutorials: http://blog.navone.org

Quote from interview: http://animationscout.tv/Victor-Navone

Well-known directing animator Victor Navone answered our question about his path to Pixar and success and shared some gold tips about his workflow.

-As we know from your tutorials you are a spline master ;) When adding inbetween poses do you prefer to set an extra pose or tweak the breakdown/inbetween poses with spline curves?
That depends on a lot of things, mostly on how Ive blocked the shot. If Ive been posing with stepped keys then Ive probably got all the keys I need and can do most of what I need with spline handles. If Im working layered then I tend to add in keys spontaneously to shape my curves. Either way, Im always practicing good spline hygiene!

-When starting a shot how do you define phrasing and what is your way to find ideas for that?

If the shot has dialog then that will determine a lot of the phrasing for me. The trick is to identify the most important ideas in the dialog and use this to determine a simple, short series of poses. I also want to make sure that the phrasing of the animation doesnt follow the timing and phrasing of the dialog too closely, otherwise it starts to feel rehearsed and unnatural. If I have no dialog then I have to work a little harder to identify the ideas and beats I need, and I have more freedom to determine the timing of these ideas. Often Ill thumbnail out poses for the important ideas and make sure they work well together in sequence. For dialog shots I will also write out the subtext for the shot, as that can be just as important, if not more important, than the dialog for determining phrasing.

Animation Scout Vimeo Channel: http://vimeo.com/channels/animationscout

AnimationScout Announcement from Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin on Vimeo.

Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin // Character Animation Demoreel 2011 from Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin on Vimeo.

AnimationScout - Eye Direction from Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin on Vimeo.

AnimationScout - Eyelids from Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin on Vimeo.

AnimationScout - Blinks from Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin on Vimeo.

AnimationScout - Mouth Corners from Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin on Vimeo.

AnimationScout - Head Direction from Ugur Ulvi Yetiskin on Vimeo.
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How to Remove iMac Memory

Apple has been making stylish and user-friendly computers for years. One of these computers, the iMac, is an increasingly popular desktop model. A notable benefit of owning one of these models is that most of the simple repairs and upgrades can be performed yourself, without the help of a service technician. This includes accessing and replacing your iMacs memory, or RAM (Random Access Memory) in order to upgrade your systems speed and capacity. Youll find that this procedure is a pretty simple one that you can complete quickly.


Things Youll Need:

  • Phillips screwdriver
  1. Step 1

    Turn off your iMac and place it face down on a table or other sturdy surface. You can protect the LCD screen by placing it over a towel or large cloth.

  2. Step 2

    Flip the bottom plastic stand up to reveal the memory slot located in the middle of the bottom of the LCD screen. It is covered by a rectangular panel which is secured by a single screw.

  3. Step 3

    Remove the single screw located in the middle of the rectangular memory slot cover, using the screwdriver. Remove the cover to reveal two internal ports which house memory modules.

  4. Step 4

    Pull the thick black plastic tab on the end of the memory module out of the port so it is sticking out far enough for you to grab it.

  5. Step 5

    Grab the end of the tab and pull the memory module gently and easily out of the port. Repeat the process with the second memory module located directly next to it. At this point you will have removed the memory from your iMac.

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Get every trick latest in advance become a member of my blog

Our blog need some members for testing various tricks in different states, as i have got many comments that trick is not working in their area, so i need more member for my site. All the members will get every trick first and will also get their respective names on my blog. For being member on my blog http://bestcomputertutorials.blogspot.com, you need to send the following details to my e-mail nveenjain@gmail.com, the reason is also listed:-

1.)State:- It is most important as i will be able to tell users that its working or not in the state
2.)Real Name:- your real name is also needed to be send so that we can contact you online.
3.)Email address (Not needed if you are sending from permanent e-mail address)
4.)Phone number (Optional):- We can contact you at that time when we got the trick through the phone, so easy and simple.We may  give missed call or SMS or even call you to make aware you to check the mail.
5.) Blog or website (if you have):- We can link to your website then you will get a good  quality of traffic.

Risk Involved:-
I am not a cheater, thats why i would disclose the only risk i face:-The only risk is balance deduction if it does not work in your area, however, if it does not work, even then we will post your name on blog because of your good work. If I tell you to activate plan like of R. 9 then you are responsible for Rs. not me, but i will post your link and Facebook profile or fan page and everything.

Terms and conditions:-
You will be contacted through e-mail, if after 2 days, we dont get the reply, then either we will block you or contact you through phone SMS or call. and if we dont get response in 20 minutes then your membership will be violated. Every person will be treated equally, even me also, if I am wrong, you can correct me. If i dont respond without information, call me, i will within 20 minutes. If you found a trick that is working, you will specially given a post with your name and link and all the stuff you want.
If you say, its working and i from anywhere got information that its not working, then you can be asked for reasons or temporarily banned from getting any trick in advance. You can also tell your Facebook or twitter profile/page if you dont have blog.

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How to change your Gmail background

Gmail has many features that can make your email more enjoyable, and easier to use. One fun feature is the ability to change the background. This makes it more fun to read your email, and also less recognizable when someone sneaks up on you at work.


Things Youll Need:

  • A Gmail account
  1. Step 1

    First log into your Gmail account. At the top, you will notice that there are a number of links you can click on. On the right side, you will find a link called Settings. Click this link to see the various settings you can play with.

  2. Step 2

    Look around at all of the various settings you can control in Gmail. This is awesome! Youve got a way to control just about everything in Gmail. But the one we want is at the far right called Themes.

  3. Step 3

    After you click on themes, test a few of the listed themes out. When you click on one of the themes, it automatically changes so you can see what it looks like. Personally, I like the Planets theme, but choose one that matches your personality, or one that will improve your mood when you see it.

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How to Make RSSfeedreader PHP script Work on Your Server

Today, I am pleased to announce that the RSSfeedreader website is working again.

This is how you get your site to run PHP files created by RSSfeedreader:


Putting Info into the .htaccess file

Open your FTP program.

go to the main folder "/public_html/"

a) Right click on ".htaccess" and click "edit". The file will open straight away or you may have to click "overwrite" depending on your FTP program.

b) If you dont see an ".htaccess" file, create it by opening notepad.

Now, in both instances a) and b) above you will have notepad open.

Some of you will see

AddHandler server-parsed .htm
AddHandler server-parsed .html"

already there. That is okay.

This is the important part.

Make sure all of the following is in that notepad page:

AddHandler server-parsed .htm
AddHandler server-parsed .html
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/loginname/public_html/

The "loginname" is the name you enter into your FTP program (with a password of course but no password in this instance) to be able to put files onto your server.

Save the notepad page with this name ".htaccess.php"
It will save as "htaccess.php.txt but you will not be able to remove the "txt" on your computer because the file name begins with a "."

Upload the ".htaccess.php.txt" file to the "/public_html/" directory.
Delete the old ".htaccess,php" if you already have it.
Right click on the ".htaccess.php.txt" file.
Click "rename"
Delete the ".txt" part of the name.
The FTP program may ask if it is alright to change it, but click "OK".


Creating the php.ini file

Open notepad. Write this, or copy it, into the notepad page.

register_globals = On ;
allow_url_include = On ;

Save it as "php.ini"

It will save as "php.ini.txt"

Upload the "php.ini.txt" file to the "/public_html/" directory.
Right click on the "php.ini.txt" file.
Click "rename"
Delete the ".txt" part of the name.
The FTP program may ask if it is alright to change it, but click "OK".

If you already have a "php.ini" Right click on it and put the extra code in it using notepad.
Delete the old ".htaccess,php"
Upload the "php.ini.txt" file to the "/public_html/" directory.
Right click on the "php.ini.txt" file.
Click "rename"
Delete the ".txt" part of the name.
The FTP program may ask if it is alright to change it, but click "OK".


Go to the site. Register your name, email and website address.

Look in your email.

Login in to the RSSfeedreader site.

Enter the URL of your desired news feed after the "http://"

Make sure you put the "www." in, for example http://www.feeds.news.com.au/public/rss/2.0/news_mostpopular_topstories_403.xml

if the "www." address doesnt work try,


The feed URLs can be really fussy about the "www." Some need it, some dont.

Enter the information on how you want the feed to look.

For page width enter the width In "Feed Width"

Dont bother about "Choose New Page Options"

Click "get RSS Feed"

Copy the PHP script.

Paste it into a notepad page.

Saving the PHP file

Save it as "rssfeedyourfilename.php" into the "/public_html/" directory with your FTP program.

Right click on the file, choose rename, and remove the ".txt"

Enter the "include virtual" code,

as RSSfeedreader info advises, into your website html code at the position in the page where you want it.

Save the html. Upload it to the "/public_html" directory on your server.


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create folder without name

In this tutorial, i am going to tell you how to create a folder without name, You must keep holding Alt button when creating or rename the folder as i  told you in this video to press it and then you need to press 0160 without quotes and then press enter. You are done, enjoy.
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Manual Service Nokia 7610

Nokia 7610 is the first Nokia camera phone with a megapixel resolution. It looks cool, has a bunch of memory and unexpectedly many applications in the basic set. Read our extensive review with a plentiful picture gallery.

Nokia has designed the most important features of its smartphones on the Series 60 platform, hence the ground for the new mobile is equal to the Nokia 7650, the first model for example. In contrast to Nokia 6600, which we consider as the predecessor, Nokia 7610 brings us many pleasant changes. On the other hand some of the expectations havent been met.


Powered by Qumana
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Acer Aspire P3 Manual

This is the official Acer Aspire P3 Manual User Guide in English provided from the manufacturer, introduces you to the basic features and functions of your new Ultrabook and helps you get started with setting up your Acer Aspire P3.

Short description and specification of Acer Aspire P3
Acer introduced a slim hybrid Ultrabook like a tablet with a weight of 1.34 kg, because of its relatively slim for a notebook and the Ultrabook is makes you feel so comfortable mobility upon carry wherever accompany activities in your perform various tasks. Acer Aspire P3 powered by an Intel Core i5-3339Y 1.5 GHz which is the latest generation of low-power processors Intel, 2 GB RAM, Intel SSD of 120 GB, 5 megapixel camera, and Intel HD Graphics 4000 with touch screen 11.6-inch dimension with a resolution of 1366 x 768 it will feel so comfortable to watch your favorite videos, Acer bundling this device with a Bluetooth keyboard that becomes one with the included leather case and for operating system using Windows 8 64 bit.

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Canon EOS 5D Mark III Manual

Canon EOS 5D Mark III Manual
Appearance Canon EOS 5D Mark III does not carry any load other than a purely functional - yes, you can look at these circumscriptions as beauty and ugliness. It is a large, as adapted to the needs of the photographer with a black cabinet unit on the chassis of a magnesium alloy, covered with plastic, and the points of contact with hands equipped with rubber-embossed patterns. Canon EOS 5D Mark III is not very different from its predecessor in terms of lines, but it is quite noticeable in terms of the functional elements. Retaining overall control logic and locations Mark II, the novelty has a few things like "on-demand": switch off moved to the selected mode, becoming more comfortable, and the selector, which is now gone extinct mode CA (everything else in the old way) got a lock button. Simultaneously useful and annoying other equally controversial element in the management of photographic equipment

Making on-off switch, Canon had to place his last location put a special lock lever steering wheel. Generally unusual for this time-out of the trend of combining more functions on a smaller number of controls touched a few things: a separate button made inclusion of the "Quick Menu" (IE access to the settings for the character status menu) added single multifunction key (for example, is it to switch between focus mode by opening the menu) to add the button on (marking) of pictures taken, and, most importantly, a new button to start recording video, combined with the switch in Live View. A set of interfaces and their locations are like Mark II. On the left edge: high-speed USB, output HDMI mini, Video output (PAL / NTSC), mini-jack for headphones, external microphone (stereo mini-jack). Covered by two strips of rubber. Note the differences between the headphone jack.

Dimensions Canon EOS 5D Mark III: 152x116, 4x76, 4 mm. Differences from the Mark II in millimeters. But the weight is much higher about 950 grams instead of 810 predecessor. And it is not the easiest camera has become even harder. This is hardly affected the popularity of thing is clearly not buying the dimensions and external parameters (not a Smartphone, after all) - but the fact is not pleasant. Canon EOS 5D Mark III has not learned to shoot video at 60p, is limited to 30 frames per second, but yes, progressive. Container - MOV, Codec - H.264. Or, MPEG-4. The most enjoyable, in addition to management bonuses, innovation is the ability to choose between ALL-I and IPB compressions. Maximum file size - 4 GB, that given the time constraints (standard for photographic equipment 29 minutes 59 seconds) is not critical.

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Nokia Lumia 610 Manual User Guide

Nokia Lumia 610 Manual User Guide consists of 91 pages with a size of 2.55 mb in pdf file format which contains information on how to properly and safely operate. Summary content about this Nokia Lumia 610 Manual such as before operating this phone would be a good idea to read the first of Safety information, then you can learn about how to get started basic your Nokia Lumia 610, using call menu, how to use contacts and social networking service and how to connect your phone to the internet, send and receive messaging and mail, use the camera maximally to produce great images and video, organize your pictuters, how to connect your phone to other device and management it. For more details about table content this Nokia Lumia 610 you can see below;
  • Safety
  • Get started
  • Contacts & social networking services
  • Internet
  • Messaging & mail
  • Camera
  • Basics
  • Your pictures
  • Call
  • Entertainment
  • Maps and Navigation
  • Office
  • Connectivity and phone management
  • Support
  • Nokia original accessories
  • Product and safety information
  • Index

You cand download or view this Nokia Lumia 610 Manual User Guide below 

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Manual Service SonyEricsson W810

W810 SonyEricsson this manual service.When you are going to replace a part being listed in Replacements, the instruction of that section usually begins by directing you to this Disassembly section with a specification of the instructions you have to carry out in order to disassemble the phone as far as needed before returning to Replacements for the actual replacement.


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HP ProBook 6360b Manual

This HP ProBook 6360b Manual contains general information as reference material that describes the features of the HP ProBook 6360b, but some features may not be available on your laptop. To avoid injury or overheating your laptop, do not put your laptop on your lap or obstruct the computer air vents. However,  this HP ProBook 6360b Manual consists of 105 pages with a size 974.48 KB in pdf file format. Summary content about this Manual; Finding more information and reference about your new laptop. Learn creating connection to network using a wireless, WLAN, GPS or using bluetooth wireless.Enjoy multimedia features available on the HP ProBook 6360b and learn how to use audio, webcam and video. To keep your laptop durable see the maintenance chapter like how to cleaning your laptop or how to update programs and drivers.

Short description of HP ProBook 6360b
HP ProBook 6360b combines of power and portability, reliability and comfort in your daily work anytime and anywhere. HP ProBook 6360b It has a 13.3 "LED-backlit HD (1366 x 768) anti-glare display that ensures clarity and image quality is the perfect professional assistant for everyday business tasks-day. A powerful processor Intel Core i5-2450M and 4 GB of RAM, you get high performance and efficient operation. Laptop Case is made of high quality material, which protects against external influences and mechanical damage. HP ProBook 6360b are ideal to meet your needs.

Download or view this HP ProBook 6360b Manual below

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LG Optimus L9 manual

This LG Optimus L9 manual guide will help you start using your phone for the first time, and here this the summary about this manual : Before using your phone please read the safety information to avoid damage and accidents, getting to know your LG Optimus L9 phone, getting to know your phone like how to optimizing battery life and how to installing the operating system, using hard reset to restored original condition of your phone, use the USB cable to connecting your phone to computer but you must installing LG PC Suite program on PC to connect this device. with microSD card you can save pictures, music or video files to external memory, How to create Google account and signing for the first time into your Google account, how to connecting your phone into networks using Wi-Fi or using Bluetooth, and this phone can use to provide a mobile broadband.

Description LG Optimus L9
LG Optimus L9 so beautiful, functional, affordable, ergonomic, can become a substitute player may act as a GPS-receiver, has a long battery life, has a good camera. LG Optimus L9 Smartphone has a thickness of 9.1 mm body, features a 4.7-inch screen IPS, 2-core processor with 1 GHz, 1 GB of RAM, 4 GB of internal memory, the main camera 5 MP front camera 0.3 MP, and battery capacity of 2150 mAh. Based on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Smartphone application offered with QTranslator, which allows you to translate text from 44 foreign languages to 64 languages by scanning with the camera. The application uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

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