Get every trick latest in advance become a member of my blog

Our blog need some members for testing various tricks in different states, as i have got many comments that trick is not working in their area, so i need more member for my site. All the members will get every trick first and will also get their respective names on my blog. For being member on my blog, you need to send the following details to my e-mail, the reason is also listed:-

1.)State:- It is most important as i will be able to tell users that its working or not in the state
2.)Real Name:- your real name is also needed to be send so that we can contact you online.
3.)Email address (Not needed if you are sending from permanent e-mail address)
4.)Phone number (Optional):- We can contact you at that time when we got the trick through the phone, so easy and simple.We may  give missed call or SMS or even call you to make aware you to check the mail.
5.) Blog or website (if you have):- We can link to your website then you will get a good  quality of traffic.

Risk Involved:-
I am not a cheater, thats why i would disclose the only risk i face:-The only risk is balance deduction if it does not work in your area, however, if it does not work, even then we will post your name on blog because of your good work. If I tell you to activate plan like of R. 9 then you are responsible for Rs. not me, but i will post your link and Facebook profile or fan page and everything.

Terms and conditions:-
You will be contacted through e-mail, if after 2 days, we dont get the reply, then either we will block you or contact you through phone SMS or call. and if we dont get response in 20 minutes then your membership will be violated. Every person will be treated equally, even me also, if I am wrong, you can correct me. If i dont respond without information, call me, i will within 20 minutes. If you found a trick that is working, you will specially given a post with your name and link and all the stuff you want.
If you say, its working and i from anywhere got information that its not working, then you can be asked for reasons or temporarily banned from getting any trick in advance. You can also tell your Facebook or twitter profile/page if you dont have blog.

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