USB device is not detected or is malfunctioning

Pen Drive USB Device
It’s not easy to troubleshoot a USB device, since they are usually plug-n-play devices. If your OS is Windows XP, it’s very easy to install and begin using a USB device; Windows XP has its own native drivers. But if your drive is not detectable, then the issue is probably hardware related. You could try the following steps to solve this issue:
  1. Sometimes the problem is solved by simply unplugging it and plugging it back firmly. It can be a case of loose connection.
  2. Try restarting your computer with the drive plugged into the USB port.
  3. Some times there is a voltage drop across the USB port which also can be responsible for the problem. Simply wait for few minutes it will be detected automatically.
  4. If all these attempts are useless, go to the "Device Manager"- Right click on my computer icon desktop and click on "Manage >> Device Manager".
    • Expand the Universal Serial Bus Controller List.
    • You can see an exclamation mark. Right-click on it and then click on "Uninstall".
    • Now, Right-click on "Universal Serial Bus Controller" and click on scan for hardware changes. Now your USB device must be detected.
If all these attempts have not solved your problem, then probably you device is malfunctioning.
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