PowerShell v3 in a Year Day 12 about Line Editing

Hardly a meaty topic, but, about_Line_Editing shows how to take full advantage of the keyboard when working inside the shell interface.  Below are some of the simple commands for single character/word navigation:
  • To move the cursor one character to the left, press the LEFT ARROW key. 
  • To move the cursor one word to the left, press CTRL+LEFT ARROW.
  • To move the cursor one character to the right, press the RIGHT ARROW key. 
  • To move the cursor one word to the right, press CTRL+RIGHT ARROW.
To quickly navigate to the start and end of a line:
  • To move to the beginning of a line, press the HOME key. 
  • To move to the end of a line, press the END key.
Deleting characters comes in two flavors:
  • To delete the character in behind the cursor, press the BACKSPACE key.
  • To delete the character in front of the cursor, press the DELETE key.
    Deleting the Remainder of a line has a single stroke:
    • To delete all the characters in the line after the cursor, press CTRL+END.
      Insert/Overstrike Mode are really toggled option of the same key:
      • To change to overstrike mode, press the INSERT key. 
      • To return to insert mode, press INSERT again.
      Tab Completion is one of the most helpful features in v3. Instead of having to retype a command, you can insert the cursor mid-string and tab to complete a variety of options
      • To complete a command, such as the name of a cmdlet, a cmdlet parameter, or a path, press the TAB key. If the first suggestion that is displayed is not what you want, press the TAB key again.

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