PowerShell v3 Function Get WebServerInformation

Following on the heels of my last post, Test-Uri, this function provides a canned function to test web responses. As part of the CodePlex module for PowerShell security I am working on, this function works to gather key details about servers you may be contacting. Its quite long, but, the majority of it is just parameter definition and if statements.
function Get-WebServerInformation
                  Author: Will Steele
                  Get-WebServerInformation -Uri http://www.microsoft.com -All
                  IsMutuallyAuthenticated : False
                  Cookies                 : {}
                  Headers                 : {Accept-Ranges, Content-Length, Cache-Control, Content-Type...}
                  SupportsHeaders         : True
                  ContentLength           : 1020
                  ContentEncoding         :
                  ContentType             : text/html
                  CharacterSet            : ISO-8859-1
                  Server                  : Microsoft-IIS/7.5
                  LastModified            : 3/16/2009 3:35:26 PM
                  StatusCode              : OK
                  StatusDescription       : OK
                  ProtocolVersion         : 1.1
                  ResponseUri             : http://www.microsoft.com/
                  Method                  : GET
                  IsFromCache             : False
                  Get-WebServerInformation -Uri http://www.google.com -CharacterSet
                  Get-WebServerInformation -Uri http://www.kofax.com -StatusCode -CharacterSet
            .PARAMETER -Uri
                  A required parameter indicating the URI of the remote server.
                  Mandatory = $true,
                  Position = 1,
                  ValueFromPipeline = $true
            [ValidateScript({Test-Uri -Uri $_})]
            $All = $false,
            $CharacterSet = $false,
            $ContentEncoding = $false,

            $ContentLength = $false,           
            $ContentType = $false,
            $Cookies = $false,           
            $Headers = $false,
            $IsFromCache = $false,       
            $IsMutuallyAuthenticated = $false,
            $LastModified = $false,
            $Method = $false,            
            $ProtocolVersion = $false,

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