Forest tree or wood carvings image collection

forest wood craving 1 forest wood craving 2 forest wood craving 3

forest wood craving 4 forest wood craving 5 forest wood craving 6

forest wood craving 7 forest wood craving 8 forest wood craving 9

forest wood craving 10 forest wood craving 11 forest wood craving 12

forest wood craving 13
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Notepad secret

open notepad write "bush hid the facts" without the quotes and save it
with any name now open it well what do you see ???
the reason for this is that the file has the
combination of 5-3-3-4 which is not accepted by unicode thus this error.
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How to put a flash mp3 player in blogger post

Here is a simple tutorial to add small flash Mp3 player to any post in blogger.

Copy and paste the below code just before </head> tag in Layout >> Edit Html.
<script src= type=text/javascript/>

Copy the below code and paste it wherever you want the flash player to be displayed, but paste it in the Edit Html tab of Create Post.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" id="audioplayer1" height="17" width="185">
<param name="movie" value="">
<param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=1&amp;soundFile=">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="menu" value="false">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></object>

  • Do not forget to replace with the URL of your Mp3
  • You can configure height and weight as required.

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer, you will probably need to click the player twice to make it play. (All other Web browsers will let you click once.) If you do not see the MP3 player, then you dont have the Flash player installed. (More than 90 percent of all Internet users do have it.)
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Top 5 Best Gaming Mice Of 2015 By Qubimaxima

Links To All The Products In This Video.

Roccat Tyon -

Corsair Vengeance M65 -

Razer Naga Epic Edition -

Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury -

Logitech G502 Proteus Core - 

Computer Knowledge
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New Zealands Great Walks added to Google Maps

If youve always wanted to walk one of New Zealands classic walks now you can without even breaking a sweat. Google has added several classic NZ walks, such as the Milford Track, to Google street view within Google Ma ps. This was reported in the New Zealand Herald last week.

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PowerShell v3 in a Year Day 13 Clear Content

Topic: Clear-Content
Alias: clc

The help for Clear-Content says, "Deletes the contents of an item, such as deleting the text from a file, but does not delete the item." Clear-Content is the antithesis of the Get-Item cmdlet insofar as it focuses on the contents of an object, not on the object itself. Here is a quick demonstration of how to use it. We will first create a small dummy file with the contents of the directory, then, we will call the Clear-Content cmdlet to remove the contents.
PS >dir >. est.txt
To verify we have content in the file, we call dir (Get-ChildItem) and reference the specific file to which we dumped content:
PS >dir . est.txt

    Directory: C:dir

Mode                LastWriteTime     LengthName
----                -------------     ----------
-a---         11/2/2012  11:14 PM       6572 test.txt 
As you can see, the Length (character count) is 6572. That sounds about right for this directory. Now, lets clear out the files contents:
PS >Clear-Content -Path. est.txt
To verify it did the job, we call Get-ChildItem again which displays a .length property of 0.
PS >dir . est.txt

    Directory: C:dir

Mode                LastWriteTime     LengthName
----                -------------     ----------
-a---         11/2/2012  11:15 PM          0 test.txt
As noted in the help, "The Clear-Content cmdlet deletes the contents of an item, such as deleting the text from a file, but it does not delete the item. As a result, the item exists, but it is empty. Clear-Content is similar to Clear-Item, but it works on files instead of on aliases and variables." It is important to keep in mind, as indicated above, it works specifically on files, not, other providers.

To get more specific, here are the two parameter sets for Clear-Content:
  • Clear-Content [-Path] <String[]> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Filter <String>] [-Force[<SwitchParameter>]] [-Include <String[]>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]][-UseTransaction [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
  • Clear-Content [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Filter <String>] [-Force [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Include <String[]>] -LiteralPath <String[]> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [-UseTransaction [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
For the first set the parameters are:
  • Path
  • Credential
  • Exclude
  • Filter
  • Force
  • Include
  • Confirm
  • WhatIf
  • UseTransaction
The second parameter set has the following choices:
  • Credential
  • Exclude
  • Filter
  • Force
  • Include
  • LiteralPath
  • Confirm
  • WhatIf
  • UseTransaction
Some examples of how to use Clear-Content are listed below:
  • This example demonstrates how to clear the contents of a wildcarded selection of .txt files in the C:userswill directory whose name ends with _iis.log. Clear-Content -Path C:userswill*_iis.log
  • Here is an example that shows how to clear the contents of all files with a .log extension. The -Force parameter is a switch which, when included, indicates to the command to clear the contents of read-only files as well: clear-content -path * -filter *.log -force.
  • Here is an example that looks in the C: emp directory for files whose names begin with Smp, does not include the number 2. The -WhatIf switch suppresses the actual changes from being made and  clear-content c:Temp* -Include Smp* -Exclude *2* -whatif
This is a relatively lightweight cmdlet, but, it is important to have it well-placed in the tool kit. Instead of having to delete files, which sometimes is the fastest way to remove content, calling Clear-Content might be just as effective, if not more so, than, calling Remove-Item. In either case, Clear-Content is a great way to reset the contents of a file object so you have a blank slate. In cases where you are logging and need to clear logs every day, this proves to be the perfect tool for the job.

One caveat I find important to point out any time one is dealing with file system objects (and their related cmdlets) involves some confusion with how -Filter, -Include and -Exclude work. After having fought this battle plenty of times, I found great blog post by Thomas Lee, Get-ChildItem and the–Include and –Filter parameters, which explains some issues folks run into when working with these three parameters. Before you start using this cmdlet heavily be sure to explore how these parameters work (and misbehave). After you get a good feel for their real-world usages of these folk, go to town, but, make use of the -WhatIf parameter a lot as you test this out.
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Remove SHORTCUT link from the desktop folder

how to remove short cut arrows on ur desktop items
just go to >start>run>regedit>hkey_classes_root>u
find a file by name lnkfile click on that to that right
u can see a file by name is shortcut delete that and
again come to left click on pipfile u delete again is shortcut
then restart the pc u cant see the shortcut arrow
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Mozilla inside Mozilla

Mozilla inside Mozilla

Copy and paste the following code into your address bar to have a Firefox window inside the same window:
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An experiment in digital citizenry

You may already conduct a lot of your life online, but few countries have totally embraced the concept of online citizenship. the small European country of Estonia has been conducting an interesting experiment making all their population "e-Residents". The Register has just published an interesting article on its reach and impact. This was brought to my attention by my colleague Mark Wilson.

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How to Edit Any Webpage

  • Go to Any web site (I have Use Google)

  • Now Goto Addressbar and delet all thing(e.g,

  • And now Copy and paste the Following Code in address bar.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable=false; document.designMode=on; void 0

  • And Hit Enter

  • Now You can do What You want..

  • For example:-You can do like following

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Explore more with Mapping with Google

In September 2012 we launched Course Builder, an open source learning platform for educators or anyone with something to teach, to create online courses. This was our experimental first step in the world of online education, and since then the features of Course Builder have continued to evolve. Mapping with Google, our latest MOOC, showcases new features of the platform.

From your own backyard all the way to Mount Everest, Google Maps and Google Earth are here to help you explore the world. You can learn to harness the world’s most comprehensive and accurate mapping tools by registering for Mapping with Google.

Mapping with Google is a self-paced, online course developed to help you better navigate the world around you by improving your use of the new Google Maps, Maps Engine Lite, and Google Earth. All registrants will receive an invitation to preview the new Google Maps.

Through a combination of video and text lessons, activities, and projects, you’ll learn to do much more than look up directions or find your house from outer space. Tell a story of your favorite locations with rich 3D imagery, or plot sights to see on your upcoming trip and share with your travel buddies. During the course, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from Google experts and collaborate with a worldwide community of participants, via Google+ Hangouts and a course forum.

Mapping with Google will be offered from June 10 - June 24, and you can choose whether to explore the features of Google Maps, Google Earth, or both. In addition, you’ll have the option to complete a project, applying the skills you’ve learned to earn a certificate. Visit to learn more and register today.

The world is a big place; we like to think that you can make it a bit more manageable and adventurous with Google’s mapping tools.
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Flash CS6 Tutorials for Beginners AS3 Actionscript 3 By Hun Kim

Flash CS6 Tutorials for BeginnersAS3 / Actionscript 3 Game Development Tutorials.

Clear, Concise, and Free video tutorials at

Computer Knowledge
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Top 10 Best Android Games 2015

Heres a list of 10 Best Android Games.

WWE 2K:-

Help Me Jack: Atomic Adventure:-

Red Bull Air Race The Game:-

Earn to Die 2:-

Staying Together:-

Bladelords - the fighting game:-

Valiant Hearts The Great War:-

Corridor Z - The Zombie Runner:-

First Touch Soccer 2015:-

Osmos HD:-

Computer Knowledge
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From Pixels to Actions Human level control through Deep Reinforcement Learning

Remember the classic videogame Breakout on the Atari 2600? When you first sat down to try it, you probably learned to play well pretty quickly, because you already knew how to bounce a ball off a wall in real life. You may have even worked up a strategy to maximise your overall score at the expense of more immediate rewards. But what if you didnt possess that real-world knowledge — and only had the pixels on the screen, the control paddle in your hand, and the score to go on? How would you, or equally any intelligent agent faced with this situation, learn this task totally from scratch?

This is exactly the question that we set out to answer in our paper “Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning”, published in Nature this week. We demonstrate that a novel algorithm called a deep Q-network (DQN) is up to this challenge, excelling not only at Breakout but also a wide variety of classic videogames: everything from side-scrolling shooters (River Raid) to boxing (Boxing) and 3D car racing (Enduro). Strikingly, DQN was able to work straight “out of the box” across all these games – using the same network architecture and tuning parameters throughout and provided only with the raw screen pixels, set of available actions and game score as input.

The results: DQN outperformed previous machine learning methods in 43 of the 49 games. In fact, in more than half the games, it performed at more than 75% of the level of a professional human player. In certain games, DQN even came up with surprisingly far-sighted strategies that allowed it to achieve the maximum attainable score—for example, in Breakout, it learned to first dig a tunnel at one end of the brick wall so the ball could bounce around the back and knock out bricks from behind.
Video courtesy of Atari Inc. and Mnih et al. “Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning"
So how does it work? DQN incorporated several key features that for the first time enabled the power of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) to be combined in a scalable fashion with Reinforcement Learning (RL)—a machine learning framework that prescribes how agents should act in an environment in order to maximize future cumulative reward (e.g., a game score). Foremost among these was a neurobiologically inspired mechanism, termed “experience replay,” whereby during the learning phase DQN was trained on samples drawn from a pool of stored episodes—a process physically realized in a brain structure called the hippocampus through the ultra-fast reactivation of recent experiences during rest periods (e.g., sleep). Indeed, the incorporation of experience replay was critical to the success of DQN: disabling this function caused a severe deterioration in performance.
Comparison of the DQN agent with the best reinforcement learning methods in the literature. The performance of DQN is normalized with respect to a professional human games tester (100% level) and random play (0% level). Note that the normalized performance of DQN, expressed as a percentage, is calculated as: 100 X (DQN score - random play score)/(human score - random play score). Error bars indicate s.d. across the 30 evaluation episodes, starting with different initial conditions. Figure courtesy of Mnih et al. “Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning”, Nature 26 Feb. 2015.
This work offers the first demonstration of a general purpose learning agent that can be trained end-to-end to handle a wide variety of challenging tasks, taking in only raw pixels as inputs and transforming these into actions that can be executed in real-time. This kind of technology should help us build more useful products—imagine if you could ask the Google app to complete any kind of complex task (“Okay Google, plan me a great backpacking trip through Europe!”).

We also hope this kind of domain general learning algorithm will give researchers new ways to make sense of complex large-scale data creating the potential for exciting discoveries in fields such as climate science, physics, medicine and genomics. And it may even help scientists better understand the process by which humans learn. After all, as the great physicist Richard Feynman famously said: “What I cannot create, I do not understand.”
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Fl Studio Tutorials By MastersunTutorials

Fl Studio Tutorials By MastersunTutorials.

Computer Knowledge
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PowerShell v3 Function Test Uri

As part of the security module I am working on I thought some Uri testing would be a good analysis tool. This function is merely a subroutine, but, still is worth pointing out:
function Test-Uri
                  Author: Will Steele
                  Last Modified Date: 07/27/2012
                  Test-Uri -Uri
                  Test-Uri -Uri http:/
      if([System.Uri]::IsWellFormedUriString($Uri, [System.UriKind]::RelativeOrAbsolute))
            [System.Uri]::TryCreate($Uri, [System.UriKind]::RelativeOrAbsolute, [ref] $uri)
The two key lines here are the  IsWellFormedUriString and  TryCreate . You can get more details about how these work from MSDN.

  • IsWellFormedUriString:  Uri.IsWellFormedUriString Method
  • TryCreate:  Uri.TryCreate Method (String, UriKind, Uri%)
Again, this is a simple function, but, highly useful for anyone doing pen testing, analysis, checks, etc.
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The IT History Society

If you have an interest in computing and its history you may be interested in joining the IT History Society, or just using its digital archives. Dedicated to preserving IT history the IT History Society (ITHS) is "an international group of over 600 members working together to document, preserve, catalog, and research the history of Information Technology (IT). Comprised of individuals, academicians, corporate archivists, curators of public institutions, and hobbyists." Its online resources include:

  • A global network of IT historians and archivists
  • Our exclusive International Database of Historical and Archival Sites
  • IT Honor Roll of people who have made a noteworthy contribution to the industry
  • IT Hardware and Companies databases
  • Research links and tools to aid in the preservation of IT history
  • Technology Quotes
  • Calendar of upcoming events
  • An active blog
  • And more

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via Personal Recipe 895909

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Reference books for B Sc IT Mumbai V VI sem

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computer tips some useful tips for your compele online security

computer tips

  the goal of every good thing if the neighborhood has seen some of the worst aspects. Just as with Internet viruses, etc.(computer tips) . Though this is the beginning of things, but the latest plan premium over the last few years with the increased use of the Internet against the step, step increases in these activities continues icon sad some tips for you to complete online security include it with the hacking.

Don Jones Month of Lunches Day 6

The original link can be located at:
Although Don gives people with a programming background permission to just skip Chapter 6 I got intrigued by the title "Objects: data by just another name".  My programming experience grew from getting frustrated with the limitations of scripting.  Seeing things from others perspectives is always interesting because it can help me find new ways to avoid limitations.  Here, the title alone made me realize something rather self-evident: objects are just data by another name.  "Yeah, I read that." you may be thinking, Why are you highlighting it?"  Objects had always been a little mysterious to me.  When I started using PowerShell I felt I found a secret passageway into the world of .NET because I could poke around under the black box.  Here I see "objects"-as in object oriented programming-are really fancy labels for data.  This may sound trivial, but, when the title of a chapter alone gives me a breakthrough of sorts I get thrilled.

In Section 6.1 Don gives a good practical way to start thinking about what objects are and contain.  What is key to realize, or, at least was for me, is that when you are working with PowerShell, it is object oriented.  The contrasting example from the Unix/bash/batch/cmd perspective is that PowerShell does not deal in text, but, rather, in data and objects.  This is a big deal.  In other shells a ton of time is spent finding ways to manipulate text as if it is objects.  That is a beauty (and curse) of those shell (and systems): everything is a file.  PowerShell deftly sidesteps this problem before it ever even arises. Having written some cmd batch scripts that look like something aliens would struggle to understand I am immensely appreciative for PowerShells objects and their simplicity.

The major things to know about objects are broken down in key sections: objects have properties that describe it (6.4) and methods to take action on or with it (6.5).  Collectively, these are called members.  What is great about members is how much they can tell you about an object.  PowerShell, like other .NET languages, is self-describing.  When you look at an object the right way it can tell you all about itself through its members.  Many folks who get deep into PowerShell eventually seem to end up loving the Get-Member cmdlet mentioned in Section 6.3 as a favorite.  Want to know about any object?  Fine, just ask it to tell you its story with Get-Member.  In other languages you have to know what things are before you start working with them.  In PowerShell it is just so easy: simply ask.

In sections 6.6 and 6.7 talk about two cmdlets: Sort and Select.  Sort is handy.  For me-and, in what I do (data extraction and manipulation)-Select is king.  In the examples in the book, I feel like I was teased a bit, just because I have worked so extensively with this cmdlet it deserves a chapter unto itself almost.  I know these sorts of things will be expanded upon in later chapters, but, just seeing something simple, like the ability to sort, as shown in the DVD on a property, or, how to select begins to give glimpses of the things that can be done.

One great tip given in the Sorting video was seeing a practical use of Get-Member and Sort together.  To me, Get-Member is an exploratory tool.  With it I get objects to tell their story.  To belabor the point a bit, keep in mind: when you start hearing the story remember you are dealing with objects and their members.  These are objects for the entire life of a pipeline until you make them something else (I am thinking specifically of text).  The PowersShell story is like any good tale: it has a beginning, middle and end.  And in every part the key characters are objects. When I started looking at PowerShell this way I got a much richer tale every time I used it.
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Adobe Photoshop Professional Effects Tutorials

Adobe Photoshop Professional Effects Tutorials.

Computer Knowledge
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Is your English prefect

Even those of us who write professionally for a living often make typos, such as letter transpositions (did you spot "prefect" in the title instead of "perfect", and sometimes our grammar is less than perfect. All of us can use a little help. Ive always recommended that my students use spell and grammar checkers built into software like Microsoft Word. However, as we increasingly create documents in the cloud, in browser-based software, that option is not available - enter Grammarly. If youre a regular reader of this blog you know that I dont often promote products, but Im impressed with this. Grammarly once installed as a browser extension sits in the background watching every word you type. It then underlines words that may be misspelled or easily confused with similar words, either by spelling or meaning. Hovering the cursor over the word brings up suggestions that you can accept or reject. Grammarly also has OS X and Windows apps and an MS Office plug-in (Win only). Highly recommended. 

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Asus P6TD Deluxe Support Intel Core i7 and 24GB RAM

Asus P6TD Deluxe Support Intel Core i7 and 24GB RAMAsus motherboard has been released "xtreme Design" series with the newest name P6TD Deluxe, which is compatible with the CPU Core i7 and Core i7 Extreme, DDR3 2000 support RAM 24GB capacity with 6 DIMM slots, 3 PCI Express 2.0, and 14 USB 2.0 ports, for create more compact motherboard. Asus also adds Cool3 + Stack cooler that is able to control the heat, as well as additional fluid cooler and a few variations of the system overclocking.

Hardware P6TD Deluxe Asus Motherboard has support Intel Socket 1366 based on Intel Core i7, including Extreme Edition support the Intel Dynamic Speed technology. Asus Deluxe Motherboard P6TD xtreme has features that ensure that the use of power that is stable, and Turbo V process to support real-time dynamic.

Connection prepared for Asus Deluxe motherboard P6TD as dual gigabit Ethernet, NVIDIA SLI and ATI CrossFireX, eSATA and FireWire port, port S / PDIF optical and coaxial, and 6 port SATA 3Gb / s. Model P6TD Deluxe motherboard is equipped with Intel X58 chipset, support for a stable system performance and better control of multi-core processing power and managed effectively. For the price this motherboard in India, Asus provides a range of Rs. 21.350, or $ 440.

What about you Asus P6TD Deluxe Support Intel Core i7 and 24GB RAM
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A year and a bit with Inbox Zero

In January 2014 I blogged about Inbox Zero and I have now been following that practice for a little over a year; so its time to give my appraisal. After following the techniques outlined in the various web posts on Inbox Zero and spending a little time on the remaining stubborn emails that really had to be actioned I achieved the nirvana of an empty Gmail inbox (perviously it held approx. 20,000 mails of which approx. 2,000 were unread).
    I now check my email at set times of the day: first thing in the morning, before lunch, mid afternoon and early evening. I apply the delete, delegate, respond, defer, and do mantra to each email and have maintained inbox zero successfully for just over a year now. Im never going back, I feel so much more relaxed and in command of my email. I use email not the other way round. For example if I receive an email from a work colleague on a Saturday I defer it until the following Monday (unless of course it really is urgent) - Im not at work so I shouldnt be dealing with work email at the weekend. Ive turned off the email notification and app badges on my iPhone and iPad. I use Unroll Me to manage email subscriptions and mailing lists, Mailbox (an excellent app) on my iOS devices, and a snooze script within Gmail. I strongly recommend you take the plunge and try Inbox Zero, you wont regret it.

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