Basic PLC Ladder Programming Examples 5

Basic PLC Ladder Programming Training Examples for Beginners.

 Hi friends here we are starting here a series of Free Training on PLC Ladder Programming training & tutorials.These PLC Ladder Programs are important to get basics of Ladder programs.

 PLC Ladder Practice Problem: 

The production line may be powered off accidentally or turned off for noon break. The program is to control the counter to retain the counted number and resume counting after the power is turned ON again. When the daily production reaches 500, the target completed indicator will be ON to remind the operator for keeping a record. Press the Clear button to clear the history records. The counter will start counting from 0 again.

PLC Ladder Programming Practice Problem 5

 Topics Covered in this example is Latched 16 bit UP counter.

 Number of PLC Inputs Required

                 X0 – Product Detecting Sensor.

                 X1 – Production Counter RESET/Clear

                      Number of PLC Outputs Required
                Y0 – Production Counter Target Completed.

                     Number of PLC Counter Required

                 C120 – 16 Bit Latched Counter. (Max Count =32,768)

PLC Ladder Programming:

PLC Ladder Programming Practice Problem 5

PLC Ladder Programming Description:

·        The latching counter is demanded for the situation of retaining data when power-off. 

·        When a product is completed, C120 will count for one time. When the number reaches 500, target completed indicator Y0 will be ON. 

·         For different series of PLC, the setup range of 16-bit latching counter is different.

Note: Example is only for training purposes. No practical implementation is done.

See More PLC Ladder Programming Examples

PLC Ladder Programming Example 1

PLC Ladder Programming Example 2
PLC Ladder Programming Example 3
PLC Ladder Programming Example 4
PLC Ladder Programming Example 5
PLC Ladder Programming Example 6
PLC Ladder Programming Example 7
PLC Ladder Programming Example 8
PLC Ladder Programming Example 9
PLC Ladder Programming Example 10
PLC Ladder Programming Example 11
PLC Ladder Programming Example 12
PLC Ladder Programming Example 13
PLC Ladder Programming Example 14
PLC Ladder Programming Example 15

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